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Skjermbilde 2023-11-20 kl. 19.29.50.png

Ævestaden are winners of the NOPA-stipend and their debut Ingen Mere Gråter won the Folkelarm-prize in the category open class

"Lille speil på veggen der, hva er heitest i Norge her? Svaret er, merkelig nok vil du kanskje si, blant annet norsk tradisjonsmusikk i moderne drakt."
- Dagbladet

"There’s a subgenre called ‘dream pop’ that covers bands from Cocteau Twins to Beach House. Ævestaden’s music could be described as ‘dream folk.’ This Norwegian/Swedish trio’s debut album, Ingen Mere Gråter, is a little enigmatic gem – and I’m completely captivated."
- Songlines

"Ævestaden hits the spirit of the times, but contributes with their own style"
- Folkemusikk

Klara Bond
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